15 Cleansing Vegan Recipes to Detox Your System (2024)

We put our bodies through an awful lot as we go through life. Exposure to toxins in our environment, stress, and a diet filled with too many processed foods can wreak havoc in the long run on our overall health and well-being. We only have one body, we have to take care of it! This means that sometimes we need to reset it, give it a break so we can begin to heal up, and get back to our most vibrant and vivacious selves.

The good news is, the plant world is chock-full of foods that help to not only cleanse and detox our system of toxins by promoting long-term health too. Sure these foods are high in vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber but they also contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to promote cell and organ health. Oh, and did we mention that they’re delicious as well?

If you’re feeling sluggish and run down or just want to kick up your nutrient profile (don’t we all?), these vegan cleanse recipes will help to keep your body alkaline, your digestive system moving and your step extra springy. Who doesn’t love that? Ready to take the first step in detoxing? Here’s a list of 15 vegan cleanse recipes that will detox your system, courtesy of our Food Monster App.

1. The Holiday Liver Cleanser Green Smoothie

Source: Grapefruit and Greens Smoothie

Danielle Dewar‘sGrapefruit and Greens Smoothie contains green leaves, which Support liver function, as well as grapefruit and all of its wonderful limonoids. What’s a limonoid you ask? Oh, just a phytonutrient that helps to inhibit tumor formation by promoting the body’s natural detoxification system.

2. A Dandy, Dandelion Green Smoothie and a Plethora of Nutrients

Source: Dandelion Green Smoothie

Dandelion greens are know as one of the best greens for detoxing (which is saying something because most greens do the job quite nicely) and is a rich source of calcium, magnesium and chlorophyl. Bridget Besoner‘s Dandelion Green Smoothieis a must-try when in need of a detox.

3. Roasted Beet Burger Patties

Source:Roasted Beet Burger Patties

These Roasted Beet Burger Patties by Rhea Parsons are made with both beetroot and beet greens, which are very powerful cleansers and builders of the blood. Betacyanin is the phytochemical in beet that gives it its rich ‘amethyst’ color that significantly reduces hom*ocysteine levels.

4. Vegetable Miso Soup

Source: Vegetable Miso Soup

The natural fermentation process of miso creates healthy bacteria, which help to maintain balance in our digestive tract. In fact, there could be up to 160 different probiotic strains rocking out in this food. Yogurt, who? Make this Vegetable Miso Soup by Rachael Campbell, and feel great!

5. Healing Turmeric Smoothie

Source: Healing Turmeric Smoothie

Marquis Matson‘s Healing Turmeric Smoothieis wonderful because turmeric is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory in nature.This spice has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries in order to reduce everything from headaches to arthritis as well as restore digestive health.

6. “Morning After” Peachy Ginger Cookies

Source: Peachy Ginger Cookies

Mekkie Bansil‘s Peachy Ginger Cookies are made with the powerhouse root: ginger! Studies show that ginger increases circulation and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as protects nerves, lowers blood fat levels, and may even reduce protein levels in urine. That’s a lot of action for one zippy root!

7. Ayurvedic Spinach-Mung Detox Soup

Source: Ayurvedic Spinach-Mung Detox Soup

Akshata Sheelvant‘sAyurvedic Spinach-Mung Detox Soupis made withmung beans,a staple in Indian cuisine. They’re not only delicious sources of protein but they alsocleanse the heart and vascular system, reduce toxicity and are great for the liver, gall bladder.

8. Green Superfood Detox Smoothie

Source: Green Superfood Detox Smoothie

ThisGreen Superfood Detox Smoothieby Julie Van der Kerchoveis powerful because greens are vitamin and antioxidant powerhouses. They’re also highly alkaline, which is important when you’re trying to bring your body back to a healthy, happy state. Too much acid in the system (often caused by diets high in alcohol and animal protein) can cause inflammatory, immune, digestive and reproductive issues.

9. Vegan Potato Salad With Cilantro, Dill, Tomatoes, and Raw Mayo

Source: Vegan Potato Salad with Cilantro, Dill, Tomatoes and Raw Mayo

So what’s the dill-y-o with dill? Aside from its antibacterial properties, iron, calcium and vitamin A content and its ability to settle the stomach this baby may also help neutralize carcinogens. Just be sure to eat it in its raw state like in thisVegan Potato Salad with Cilantro, Dill, Tomatoes and Raw Mayoby Emily von Euw, cooking dill will zap all of these benefits right out of this fragile herb.

10. Cranberry Apple Detox Juice

Source:Cranberry Apple Detox Juice

When it comes to detoxing your system, cranberries work double duty. Not only do they promote Phase 1 detoxification in the liver, they also kill harmful stomach bacteria that can lead to ulcers and other stomach disorders. That’s why Jesse Lane Lee‘sCranberry Apple Detox Juiceis a must try!

11. Grilled Artichoke and Quinoa Lettuce Wraps

Source:Grilled Artichoke and Quinoa Lettuce Wraps

In order to keep the engine cleansed of gunky things like free-radicals, a heaping helping of antioxidants are in order. You need look no further than artichokes, or more specifically artichoke hearts, as they have more antioxidant density than any other fruit or vegetable per serving! To incorporate artichoke, make theseGrilled Artichoke and Quinoa Lettuce Wrapsby Zsu Dever.

12. The Ultimate Spirulina Smoothie

Source:The Ultimate Spirulina Smoothie

You’re not going to do much better for your body when it comes to cleansing and detoxing than spirulina. Not only is it a complete protein and great source of vitamin B12, it also helps balance acidity, regulates the thyroid and cleanses the digestive tract. Talk about a superfood! Now that you know the wonderful benefits, makeThe Ultimate Spirulina Smoothieby Pauline Hanuise.

13. Green Juice Sorbet

Source:Green Juice Sorbet

All the benefits of green juice with the feeling of a dessert? Yes, please! Like the juice, Shelly Boyle‘sGreen Juice Sorbet will help keep you alkaline and, like we always say, if you’re alkaline, you’re feelin’ fine!

14. Not Your Average Carrot Juice

Source:Carrot Juice

Filled with carotenoids, carrots help to boost the body’s immune response as well as promote detoxification and rejuvenation of cells. This Carrot Juice by Sonnet Lauberth is a must for detoxing.

15. Mizuna, Fennel, and Mulberry Salad

Source:Mizuna, Fennel, and Mulberry Salad

Easy to digest and yummy to eat, fennel has been found to move carcinogens from the digestive tract and is anti-inflammatory too. Enjoy it in this Mizuna, Fennel, and Mulberry Saladby Julie Morris.

If you like these, make sure to check out the recipes for Kitchari – The Nutritious Ayurvedic Detox Dish, Chopped Detox Salad, and Detox Parsley Hummus.

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15 Cleansing Vegan Recipes to Detox Your System (2024)


What is a vegan detox? ›

This means a vegan detox eliminates meat, dairy and eggs. There are generally two types of vegan detoxes: 1. Short-term vegan cleanse – This group often uses the vegan diet to cleanse their bodies usually between 3-30 days.

What is a good detox drink? ›

Check-out these easy detox drinks that you can prepare at home:
  • Green juice with cabbage, lemon and cucumber. ...
  • Cabbage, beet and ginger juice. ...
  • Tomato detox drink. ...
  • Lemon, orange and lettuce juice. ...
  • Watermelon and ginger juice. ...
  • Pineapple and cabbage juice. ...
  • Watermelon, cashew and cinnamon juice. ...
  • Hibiscus juice with strawberries.
Dec 14, 2023

How to make detox at home? ›

The first step in making my secret detox drink is to warm 12 to 16 ounces of water. Now all you have to do is add your ingredients. Start by adding 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your warm water. Then stir in ½ to 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon and a dash of cayenne pepper.

What foods do you eat to detox your body? ›

Berries, fruits, nuts, cocoa, vegetables, spices, and beverages like coffee and green tea have some of the highest amounts of antioxidants ( 39 ). Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants helps your body reduce damage caused by free radicals and may lower your risk of diseases that can impact detoxification.

What is the fastest way to flush your body of toxins? ›

The fastest way to detox your body is to drink water, get enough sleep, exercise, lower sugar intake, and eat probiotic foods.

What is the 3 day fast detox? ›

During a three-day water fast, individuals embark on a journey of self-discovery and physiological renewal, opting to abstain from solid foods and relying solely on the pure sustenance of filtered water for a period of 72 hours.

Can apple cider vinegar clean out your liver? ›

Incredible detoxification actions of ACV work to flush out the harmful toxins from the liver that hinder its normal functions. Studies disclose that regular intake of ACV promotes weight loss, diminishes cholesterol levels, lessens inflammation, and uplifts the overall health of the liver.

What can I drink to detox my body overnight? ›

There's no magic overnight detox drink, but you can try warm water with lemon, ginger, and a touch of honey. It can help with hydration and digestion, which can support your body's natural detoxification processes. Remember, consistent healthy habits are more effective than quick fixes.

What is the best detox to lose belly fat? ›

  • Mar 29, 2023. Detox drinks and juices to lose belly fat. ...
  • Beetroot juice. Whole beets are low in calories and high in fibre, which can support regularity, slow stomach emptying, and prolong satiety to support weight management. ...
  • Carrot juice. ...
  • Celery juice. ...
  • Cinnamon water. ...
  • Fennel water. ...
  • Ginger water. ...
  • Green vegetable juice.
Mar 29, 2023

How do you know if your body is full of toxins? ›

If you suffer from chronic gas, bloating, heartburn, constipation, diarrhoea, it might indicate a toxin overload. Tiredness: Ever felt weak or lethargic despite a great night's sleep? Chronic fatigue is often a result of a toxic build up in the body, which can cause inflammation and pain.

How do I detox my body in 24 hours? ›

10 ways to detox your body in 24 hours
  1. What is a detox? ...
  2. Start the day with lemon water. ...
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast. ...
  4. Move your body. ...
  5. Clean up your diet. ...
  6. Enjoy a cup of tea. ...
  7. Try twisting to relieve tension — and aid digestion. ...
  8. Do some breathing exercises.
Jul 31, 2024

How to do a full body cleanse? ›

A total detox can involve these ways to eliminate excessive amounts of toxins:
  1. Going on a specific diet.
  2. Fasting.
  3. Increasing water or juice intake.
  4. Taking supplements.
  5. Undergoing hydrotherapy of the colon or colonic irrigation.
  6. Using enemas (tools often used for severe constipation) or laxatives.
  7. Using a sauna.
Sep 14, 2021

What is the best drink to flush your system? ›

7 Healthy Detox Drinks You Can Easily Make At Home
  • Lemon and Mint Infused Water. Start your detox journey with a classic yet revitalizing option. ...
  • Green Detox Smoothie. ...
  • Cucumber and Ginger Cooler. ...
  • Berry Antioxidant Detox Water. ...
  • Turmeric Detox Tea. ...
  • Pineapple and Coconut Water Elixir. ...
  • Herbal Detox Infusion.
Aug 11, 2023

What works best to clean out your system? ›

Our bodies have their in-built detoxification system that includes the liver, kidneys, blood cells and antibodies. We do not need any drinks or special foods to get rid of toxins. A healthy fiber-rich diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep and plenty of water are good enough to keep us healthy.

What food cleans out your colon? ›

Whole grains are rich in fiber and will help to cleanse the colon. Oats, oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa are all great sources. Try to incorporate 3 – 5 servings per day into your meals. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and most leafy greens are fiber-dense and are always healthy choices.

What are the symptoms of a plant-based detox? ›

The following are potential plant-based diet detox symptoms:

Fatigue or low energy levels. Headaches. Skin changes (e.g., acne, rashes) Mood swings, irritability.

What happens to your body when you first go vegan? ›

At the start of a change to a vegan diet, you could experience a variety of differences to your body. These may include being hungrier, getting gassier, a change in your skin or body odor, weight loss or gain, better or worse sleep, headaches, tiredness, or having more energy.

What is a raw vegan detox? ›

What is a raw vegan detox? A raw food detox is all about dedicating your daily diet to eating unprocessed and uncooked foods. Food that is considered raw has never been heated above 42°C, is organic and free of preservatives.


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.