Gatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (2024)

Last updated on Jul 24, 2024 at 11:00by Shikhu6 comments

This guide will cover the best ways to level your Mining, Botany and Fishinggathering classes and assist you in gearing along the way for an easy leveling experience!


Gathering Leveling Overview

This guide will explain the ins and outs of leveling your three gathering classes:Mining, Botany, and Fishing. This page will also explain good methods toobtain gear as you level throughout the expansions.

To get a good understanding of these classes, i would suggest checking outthe following guides which cover skills and basics for Mining, Botany and Fisher.

Fishing SkillsGathering Basics


How To Level Miner, Botanist and Fisher?

There are a handful of key leveling methods which are used on your 3gathering classes. These are:

  • The Diadem (Lv10-80)
  • Leves
  • Collectables (Lv50 onwards)
  • Ocean Fishing

The fastest of these methods is Leves, but you only gain 3 leves every 12 hourswith a cap of 100. They are also best used on crafting classes.

There are additional methods worth looking into and using at times:

  • Grand Company daily turn-ins - Once a day, your Grand Company will request an itemfor you. The experienced gained scales based on your level.
  • Class quests - Do not neglect your class quests! They grant you variousitems, skills, materia, gear, and experience buffs.
  • Custom delivery - These also give experience, but I would recommend usingthem for scrips as they are weekly and much faster than usingnormal collectables.
  • Regular gathering - This grants similar experience to the Diadem but also requiresbetter gear. If you have no leves and do not have the Diadem unlocked, this would be the go-tomethod to level.


Leveling Gearsets for Gathering Classes

Listed below are our recommended gearsets for each stopping point in yourleveling journey. It is worth noting though, that if you are leveling Fisherthrough Ocean Fishing, gear is less important.


Gathering Gearsets While Leveling

Level 1-49Level 50Level 60Level 70Level 80Level 90Level 100


Level 1-59 Gearing

With the main leveling method for 10-60 being The Diadem, youdo not need any stats above 50 Gathering which is easy enough usingitems from your first few class quests before you can unlock theDiadem at Lv10. More Perception can be beneficial to increaseyour Gatherer's Boon % chance which grants increased XP. However,this is entirely optional.

While not advised, if you instead plan to level via leves or repeatedly gathering items,you simply need to be above the following gathering requirements shown below to have areasonable chance to gather. These are gathering requirements for theclass quest items at that level and would therefore be good enoughfor general leveling purposes.

LvGathering for 70% ChanceGathering for 100% Chance


Level 50 Gearing

At Level 50, it starts to become important to have a decent set of gear. The onlyproblem is that there is no easy to obtain lv50 set and instead you need tograb pieces as you level beyond 50. Here isan ariyala Link (because Etro doesn't support below Lv70) to agearset you can use.

This does not need to be HQ if you have no crafters, NQ is perfectly fineand can be purchased from a vendor.


Level 60 Gearing

At Level 60, good gear starts to become important now that Diademleveling stops being the main method. I would advise getting to Level 63though to get the general set listed below:

Lv60-63 General Set

Alternatively, Using your Lv50 gearset, youcan gain Scrips using Custom Delivery, Ocean Fishing andthe Collectable exchange to gain enough Scrips to purchase Lv60 gear. Thebig downside to this is that you need a set for each gathering class,you may therefore choose to instead use The Diadem to level to 63 andgrab a vendor set again.


Level 70 Gearing

At level 70 you will want to purchase the Landking'sset from the scrip exchange in Rhalgrs Reach listed below. This is the final endgame set at level 70 and ismore than enough to reach level 80 without having to change gear again.

If you have not farmed scrips for this set,doing your custom delivery for the week would also provide enoughScrips for this gear.

From this point, Scrips are incredibly important to allow you to easilygain gear at each level cap.


Level 80 Gearing

Just like at level 70, the best leveling gear topurchase is going to be the level 80 Scrip gear. This is the Landsaintset including an additional CP bonus from having all the accessories.

This set is very easy to purchase using Scrips youearned from your Facet quests, Custom Deliveries or simply from leveling aclass using Collectables.


Level 90 Gearing

Much like previous level caps. The best gear to level with will simply bescrip gear. The biggest difference however is that this gear now has afew meld slots. Melds are not needed to level and this gear will be finewithout melding.


Level 100 Gearing

Congratulations! Once you hit level 100 you can startto look into endgame Gathering. My first advice would be to start looking intogearing your classes.

You can use the level 90 gear you currently have to gather materials used inendgame Lv100 gear, from there meld everything according to our melding guide.

Gear Progression

Listed below is leveling advice for Mining, Botany and Fishing. It is alsovery important to complete your Class Quests as they unlock skills and traitswhich are very useful.


Gathering Leveling Guide

Level 1 - 10Level 10 - 60Level 60 - 70Level 70 - 80Level 80 - 90Level 90 - 100


Mining & Botany

Just simply go out into the open world and gather. Make sure you finishyour class quests to give yourself some starting gear. Level 10 is the requirementto unlock The Diadem inside of the Ishgardian Restoration which will bethe main leveling method from here for.



Even starting from Level 1, Fishers are able to unlockOcean Fishing. That being said, use the first 10 levels tofish outside of the guild and get used to your skills and bait whileyou complete class quests and gain some gear.


Mining & Botany

Miner and Botanist should begin leveling inside of The Diadem to goall the way to 60. No new gear is needed at any point and the itemsyou gather do not even change. The experience given by the lv10 itemsscales until you hit lv60. This also allows you to gather a bunch ofmaterials to use while leveling your Crafting classes.

To make the most of this, use Gatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (1) Mountaineer's Gift Iand II to increase your Gatherer's Boon % which when triggered,grants you additional experience points. You can useGatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (2) Cordials to allow you to use this more regularly and evenGatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (3) Company-issue Survival Manual II alongside aGatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (4) Squadron Survival Manual to further increase your XP gains.



Fishers do not really use The Diadem to level and insteadyou can essentially Ocean Fish to level 100 if you wanted. Thefishing boat is only available every 2 hours so between boats it isadvised to level other classes. Fishers gain more XP when gatheringLARGE fish, that being fish above a certain size that the game marks asLARGE. This means you want to use Gatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (5) Patience andGatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (6) Patience II alongside Gatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (7) Cordial,Gatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (8) Company-issue Survival Manual II andGatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (9) Squadron Survival Manual

If you still want to fish outside of Ocean Fishing windows. Yourbest bet is to use a Gatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (10) Versatile Lure and fish in thehighest level zone you can find. The strategy is still the same asOcean Fishing however. Fish used in Leves at this level range areoften incredibly cheap and you can literally buy your way to 60 ifyou have no other use for these leves. Hereis a Leve guide which also contains Fish information up to level 70.


Mining & Botany

This is generally the point where you want to stop farming insideof The Diadem for experience points. Your best method from this pointtends to be Collectables. This is because you gain Scrips whichare used to purchase gear, materia and Folklore Bookswhich are all important with gear especially being needed.

Collectables are also by far the fastest source of experience points,they are just not always available. During downtime, you can gather fromnodes to make gil, head back to The Diadem or simply run other content.

You do not want to gather the untimed collectable as it does notprovide much exp. This is Rarefied Gyr Abanian Mineral Water for Minerand Rarefied Bloodhemp for Botanist. Here is a linkto Teamcraft's collectable list which provides information on when thenode is up and the rewards provided.



Fishers can simply continue with Ocean Fishing, Collectable farming or usingthisLeve sheet to level to 70. You can also spend Scrips onGatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (11) Commercial Survival Manual instead of the manual used previously.

On top of the normal leveling methods outlined below. Level 70introduces Facet quests. These are located in the Crystarium and aresimilar to Class Quests. For gathering, there are two Facets: onefor Mining/Botany and one for Fisher.


Mining & Botany

Just like the last leveling range, you want to primarily focus onCollectables so that you can obtain Scrips whichare used to purchase gear, materia and Folklore Bookswhich are all important.

When there is no node available, you do not want to be spending yourtime in The Diadem at this point. Either gather items from yourlog or complete Leves if they are not going to be used on other classes.

You do not want to gather the untimed collectable as it does notprovide much exp. This is Rarefied Bluespirit Ore for Minerand Rarefied Bright Flax for Botanist. Here is a linkto Teamcraft's collectable list which provides information on when thenode is up and the rewards provided.



Fishers can simply continue with Ocean Fishing, Collectable farming or usingthisLeve sheet to level to 80. You can also spend Scrips onGatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (12) Revised Survival Manual instead of the manual used previously.

Just like the last level range, there are Studium quests available forMining, Botany and Fishing classes to gain experience points on topof the main methods. This can be located in the Studium inside ofOld Sharlayan.


Mining & Botany

Again, you want to primarily focus onCollectables so that you can obtain Scrips whichare used to purchase gear, materia and Folklore Books.

When there is no node available you should gather high level items from yourlog or complete Leves if they are not going to be used on other classes.

You do not want to gather the untimed collectable as it does notprovide much exp. This is Rarefied High Durium Ore for Minerand Rarefied Thavnairian Perilla Leaf for Botanist. Here is a linkto Teamcraft's collectable list which provides information on when thenode is up and the rewards provided.



Fishers can again continue with Ocean Fishing, Collectable farming or usingthisLeve sheet to level to 90. There is no new manual from this point on, justGatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (13) Revised Survival Manual.

Dawntrail instead has Wachumeqimeqi Deliveries which function just likeFacet and Studium Deliveries. If you are leveling through the expansion stillI would advise that you specifically use your deliveries on Botanist. This is becausethe first Collectable for Botany is difficult to get to without flight.


Mining & Botany

Just like the last few expansions you want to focus onCollectables so that you can obtain Scrips. It is even more important to doso in Dawntrail because Folklore Booksare more expensive on the current expansion, relevant to endgame, and youalso need a bunch of materia for endgame meldsets.

You do not want to gather the untimed collectable as it does notprovide much exp. This is Rarefied Raw Ihuykanite for Minerand Rarefied Kozama'uka Chamomile for Botanist. Here is a linkto Teamcraft's collectable list which provides information on when thenode is up and the rewards provided.



Fishers can again continue with Ocean Fishing, Collectable farming or usingthisLeve sheet to level to 90. There is no new manual, justGatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (14) Revised Survival Manual.



  • 24 Jul. 2024: Guide overhauled to more similarly match Crafting equivalent.
  • 26 Jun. 2024: Tentative updates for Dawntrail.
  • 13 Jan. 2022: Guide added.

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Gatherers Leveling Guide in FFXIV (2024)


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