Guide to Gathering in The Diadem at the Ishgard Restoration (2024)

Last updated on Jul 30, 2023 at 12:00by Shikhu4 comments

This guide explains the mechanics of the Diadem, a piece of leveling andendgame content for gathering classes through the Ishgardian Restoration.Gathering players fly around floating islands, looking for nodes to gatherfrom, to make gil and provide materials to crafters.


Introduction to The Diadem

The main purpose of gathering inside the Diadem is to gain materials toeither sell for profit or use on your crafting classes. It is also a goodway to level both gathering and crafting while being able to save a lot of gil.You can enter the Diadem by speaking to Aurvael at (11,14) inside theFirmament.

Guide to Gathering in The Diadem at the Ishgard Restoration (1)

Once you enter the Diadem, you will circle around looking for nodes tothen gather items from, with the aim of approving these items to obtain scripsand to be able to craft/sell the items. You can not use the items you gatherfrom the Diadem until they have been approved by speaking to Flotpassant, who isright beside Aurvael.

While at first the items inside the nodes might appear random, they are infact not. These nodes spawn in chains of nodes, only the first item in the chainis visible to the player until you clear that node and move on to the next inthe chain. There are also bonuses at the end of each chain, so take advantage ofthose, especially the +5 attempts at the end of each chain.

Because the nodes spawn in chains, you are unable to farm for a specific item.You can however keep repeating the chain with the right bonus for the itemyou want. You can use the Aetheromatic Auger, which is the equivalentto a personal limit break, in Diadem. You can use this augur on the mob thatdrops the items you want.

There are also special weather types available in Diadem that last for 10minutes every 20 minutes, giving you access to rare materials. These functionlike legendary nodes, meaning they appear on your minimap and are also a 1-timeuse until the next weather change.

This is amapcreated by a user on Reddit who made several detailed maps for each phase of the restoration.

For Fishing, there is alsothishuge fishing spreadsheet, made by Fisherman's Horizon.

Note that with the changes in Endwalker these might not currently be 100%accurate where values are referenced.


Leveling Gathering Inside the Diadem

Leveling inside the Diadem is a relatively easy but grindy task, oftenoffering more experience than regular open world leveling, while also needingless gear, making it a relaxing method to level. As mentioned previously, youare unable to farm specific items outside of using the Aetheromatic Augur,meaning you just want to grab the relevant item to your level.

This means for leveling, you simply want to repeatedly cycle around theislands following the maps above and gathering from nodes to gain experiencepoints.

For gearing, you only need to worry about gear at level 60and level 80. Our gearing page provides advice on this.

Disciples of the Land Endgame Gearing Guide


Farming Skyward Score For Achievements

At level 80 in the Diadem, alongside gathering materials to use, you alsogain points, known as your Skyward Score, which are used in several achievementsoffering rewards such as titles, minions, and a mount at 500,000 SkywardScore on all classes.

Mining and Botany is going to take a long time to hit 500,000 scoreon each class, so you want to make sure to optimize it as much as possible byhitting the stat breakpoints on the nodes.

As for the farming itself, you want to constantly be on the move and, at times,swapping between chains where nodes group close together to hit more nodesfaster. The most important thing though is to ignore the weather nodesbecause they are often out of the way to go for and barely offer extra points,making it not worth it. If you wanted to be super optimal, you wouldalso discard materials as you go, because you will very easily run out ofinventory space, even with the 999 stack cap, and end up being unable to sellall of those materials. Try to save plenty for crafting achievements if youare also aiming for those.

For fishing, the best fish for points is Guide to Gathering in The Diadem at the Ishgard Restoration (3) Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Lightning Chaser,which requires you to mooch Guide to Gathering in The Diadem at the Ishgard Restoration (4) Ghost Faerie, is a '!!!' tug, and has a16-32 second time window. During Umbral Levin, you can also go forGuide to Gathering in The Diadem at the Ishgard Restoration (5) Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Meganeuras.



  • 10 Dec. 2021: Guide added.

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Guide to Gathering in The Diadem at the Ishgard Restoration (2024)


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